Alternator cranes.
Hydraulic power station in Torrejón.

Electromechanical rehabilitation of overhead cranes of 85/15 t alternators.


The electromechanical problems detected in the normal operation of these 2 bridge cranes made it necessary to rehabilitate them, in order to carry out maneuvers with a sufiicient guaranteee of safety, before the start of the group dismantling of the plant.

Working scope

* Replace pre-existing power outlets with insulated busbars in the power supply of the cranes and by a cable-supported rack in the case of the trolley.

* Electrical equipment.
Change the electrical cabinets of maneuver and protection.
Change the control posts by others of new technology.
Change electrical cables and pipes of the entire installation.
Change limit switches for others of new technology.
Evide the control jumpers by radio.
Change rotor resistance.
Revision of engines in workshop, bearing, brushes,etc.
Synchronization of cranes, so that you can perfom the maneuver of the two cranes by manipulating the controls from one of the comman posts.

Technical data

  • Elevation 85/15 Tn. , travel 88 meters, light of the crane 16.5 Meters.
  • Connection 400V 50Hz by receptacles with isolated rails.
  • Main switch 160 A with adjustable differential protection.
  • Main lift 85 Tn.
    • 2 Motors of elevation of 16Kw.
    • Retrofit by Altivar 71 frecuency variable in closed loop.
  • Secondary elevation 15 Tn.
    • 2 Motors of elevation of 10 Kw.
    • Speed regulation by rotor resistances, brake with eldro.
  • Translation carriage (Light 16.5 m)
    • 2 Motors of 2,75 Kw.
    • Retrofit by Altivar 71 frecuency variable
  • Translation Bridge
    • 2 Motors of 3 Kw.
    • Speed regulation by rotor resistances, brake with eldro.
  • PLC Schneider Electric TSX Control.
  • Control from desk with combiners in cabin or Itowa radio equipment..
Logo de la empresa Iberdrola
C.H. Torrejón
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C.H. Torrejón
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